Embodied Change Program

This program is for you if:

  • You are looking to cultivate choice and change.

  • You are looking for a space to work through your own growth, purpose, and goals.

  • Open to embody your work and practices in a different way.

  • Looking for space to ideate and build a vision for change.

  • Making space for a life or professional transitions.

What's inside the program:

  • 1:1 Weekly coaching calls

  • Weekly group embodiment sessions

  • Access to group workshops, trainings, and meditations

  • A personalized vision map for change

  • Call recordings and text messaging access

  • If you are feeling called for change, I welcome you to apply for consideration.

  • My commitment is to serve as support until your identified goals are fulfilled.


“Azure has helped me not only look towards innovative non-traditional solutions towards barriers and obstacles but get me to strategize in ways that feel best to and for me and not to people or situations around me. For me this had more power than I gave thought to. Through Azure's practices and advocacy, I was able to detach mentally, spiritually and more specifically emotionally to past stressors or traumas that seemed to follow where I went and where I am. One of the most important techniques I believe I practiced with Azure was not the simple task of breathing exercises, but taking deep breaths with my whole body and being and sensing how I feel. Sensing what I need then catering to that exactly and that only in that time and moment.”

“I highly recommend working with Azure! She is a consummate professional whose practices are backed by research and cultural knowledge. I had the pleasure of being coached by Azure during a transitionary period in my life and career. She taught me breathing exercises that I use to regulate my stress throughout the day. Azure is incredibly dynamic and I especially appreciate that she took the time to understand me from multiple lenses, including a cultural lens. As one of the most centered people I have met, she brought serine energy to our sessions and was able to help me find calm. She gave me some strategies to weigh my priorities which helps me when making difficult decisions.”

"Graduate school was one of the most challenging times for me, for a variety of reasons — from mental health struggles to concerns over finances, to realizing the path I was pursuing was maybe not what I really wanted to be doing. The experience was often isolating, and finding confidants/mentors I trusted in the academic space was really difficult. Azure was steady and reassuring presence from the very beginning. As the grad program advisor, she worked incredibly hard to make the challenges of securing TAships/funding as easy as possible, had the answer (or found the answer) to every question every brought to her, and most importantly (for me) always made time to sit, listen, and be a friend when I really needed it most. It takes a team to excel in graduate school, and I always felt like Azure was on mine."